Drew Barrymore, mother of two girls under 3, has her own wine from the good folks at Carmel Road, makers of Barrymore Pinot Grigio, a smooth, light, white wine that will be perfect for those times Olive and Frankie are sleeping and she can steal a moment or two for herself.
Sure, I remember what it was like having two kids under 3. My babies are now 21 and 18, and I’m still searching for those quiet moments – or in an older mom’s case – worry-free moments.
Those moments never come, but they become manageable. From the moment you become a mom, your children take up every thought, every ounce of strength, every waking moment, every bit of brain matter. And that’s how it should be.
But that doesn’t mean children and the family consume your life. A mom learns that time for herself makes her a better woman, which is why book clubs, best friends and bottles of wine are the perfect gifts for Mother’s Day, a birthday, or any day.
Among the closest friends I’ve made in my life are moms I met when our kids started school together, moms with whom I bonded over kindergarten and Kendall-Jackson Chardonnay. Now that our kids are in college – or about to head that way – we remain friends because of all we have in common.
First and foremost, we’re moms. We’ve been through the chaos and the quiet, the graduations and the games, the hot lunch brigades and the carpool lanes. And we’ve stolen those quiet moments, alone and together, where we can recharge our batteries and become the best version of ourselves.
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