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It was all planned out: Uncork a bottle of wine in the condo as soon as all five of us were present, and toast the 20th year in a row a group of high school friends had gotten together on a girls getaway weekend. And thanks to Ward on Wine, we had wine for the occasion: Ritual, a sauvignon blanc and a pinot noir, both from the Casablanca Valley in Chile.

Celebrate a ritual of friendship with Ritual wine? Perfect.

Rituals don’t always go as planned. One of us was late getting to the weekend. One of us was tethered to work through her cellphone. One of us started “uncorking” before the rest of us. And soon we were sitting around drinking wine not called Ritual — which was perfectly OK, because well it was wine.

When the last friend got there, we finally got around to our Ritual. No profound words, no emotional speeches. Just a clink of five glasses, three sauvignon blancs and two pinots, pared with cheese popcorn and cookies while we celebrated being in each others company, picking up where we left off the previous year. And while we cooked steaks and brussel sprouts in the condo, we finished off those two bottles amid non-technical reviews like “Excellent,” “Very smooth” and “I would definitely buy this.”

A ritual doesn’t have to be the same every year. It just has to be.
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