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crios roseHere’s how pink has managed to infiltrate October, along with the earthy tones of orange, brown and red. Here’s why you see pink socks, ribbons, wristbands, headbands and t-shirts from everyone from your neighbor next door to the NFL teams that play on Sunday.

It started as a little ribbon, a pink ribbon, given out at department store cosmetic counters in the early 1990s as a reminder for women to get their annual mammogram to fight breast cancer. At the time, there was still a stigma attached to breast cancer, but thankfully campaign took off. Nearly 25 years later, the awareness has been raised and the fight is on, but the disease lingers. The American Cancer Society estimates that about 1-in-8 women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. That’s 12 percent, and that’s still too much.

 So October is pink – an entire month dedicated to Breast Cancer Awareness. Tell your mom, your sister, your grandmother, your aunt, your friend – tell all the women you know to have that mammogram. Better yet, invite your closes friends over for a glass of wine – and since it’s October, make it a rosé. They might look pink but the roses of  today are not the salmon-37-2rosés of your youth — they’re crisp, full-bodied and surprising. A nice rosé can be a portal of a great conversation woman to woman, friend to friend.

Ward on Wine rosé picks:  

  • Crios de Susana Balbo Rose of Malbec
  • Chateau de Campuget Costieres de Nimes Tradition Rose

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